Obsidian Blogging Setup
How I’ve setup Obsidian for blogging I’ve stumbled across this during scrolling through different youtube videos. Networkchuck showed here how he is using Obsidian for blogging -> I started a blog… in 2024 Blogpost Setup of the Obsidian Vault Create a specific directory where all blogposts are located Images should be located in a specific directory (see below) Hugo Setup Create a new site hugo new site testblog27122024 git init Congratulations! Your new Hugo site was created in /Users/harry/Developer/testblog27122024. Just a few more steps... 1. Change the current directory to /Users/harry/Developer/testblog27122024. 2. Create or install a theme: - Create a new theme with the command "hugo new theme <THEMENAME>" - Or, install a theme from https://themes.gohugo.io/ 3. Edit hugo.toml, setting the "theme" property to the theme name. 4. Create new content with the command "hugo new content <SECTIONNAME>/<FILENAME>.<FORMAT>". 5. Start the embedded web server with the command "hugo server --buildDrafts". See documentation at https://gohugo.io/. Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/harry/Developer/testblog27122024/.git/ Add a theme (PaperMod) git submodule add --depth=1 https://github.com/adityatelange/hugo-PaperMod.git themes/PaperMod ...
fail2ban I’m using fail2ban to block script kiddies. Here is one line what you will find in your auth.log May 11 05:32:14 srv01 sshd[79609]: Invalid user postgres from port 46504 This description can help you how to install and configure fail2ban I will update this post with new infos. Installation - Ubuntu / Debian sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get install fail2ban Installation FreeBSD sudo pkg install py37-fail2ban Configuration Configuration Ubuntu / Devian cd /etc/fail2ban sudo vi jail.local This configuration is for the sshd daemon. If a user fails to connect three times (maxretry = 3) within 24 hours (findtime = 24h) to login via ssh, he will get banned indefinitely (bantime = -1). ...
macOS and the X Window System with XQuartz
macOS and the X Window System If you want to use the X Window System on macOS, you need XQuartz. Install XQuartz brew cask install xquartz After a Reboot you will get the $DISPLAY set correctly. Test with xeyes /opt/X11/bin/xeyes SSH X11Forwarding You can now use ssh -X or ssh -Y Uninstall brew cask uninstall xquartz Start XQuartz temprorary This is only necessary if you want to start XQuartz without a reboot. ...
Goodbye Ghost
Goodbye Ghost Its time to say goodbye to the software I’ve used for long time to blog here. Ghost was a perfect piece of software when I started (again). I’ve learned a lot during that time, e.g. Markdown, configuring NGINX to serve data from Ghost. And how to get nodejs running on my server (which is not that easy as it sounds. more later…) Why? The problems I’ve had: It relies on nodejs - especially at the beginning, there had been some restrictions with the versions. Therefore it was necessary to find a version that is supported with the OS I use and which works with Ghost. That made updates of FreeBSD not that easy, as nodejs need some more specific attention (e.g. add some changes to the node4 Makefile to be able to run sudo portmaster -m DISABLE_VULNERABILITIES=yes www/node4) I’ve created my own startup script for ghost. Meanwhile there are many and better versions available. Just search for ghost_start() and you will find plenty of them. I had massive problems to get Ghost updated to newer version. In more detail, I wasn’t able to export the blog settings and data. It was always a hassle to do that by hand. Therefore I was not able to update it regularly. All of that lead to a bad gut feeling (security) I still believe that Ghost is a wonderful platform for blogging. Especially the hosted version. ...
Using letsencrypt with macOS Server
Even with all the restrictions of today some people need to run macOS Server (mojave 5.7.1). With the availability of letsencrypt it is possible to use this server with a proper signed certificate instead of a self-signed certficate. I am using cloudflare-dns. With some changes you can use this also for other methods. This is a tutorial and scripts to install letsencrypt, get a certificate an renew it. Use it on your own risk! ...