Using letsencrypt with macOS Server

Even with all the restrictions of today some people need to run macOS Server (mojave 5.7.1). With the availability of letsencrypt it is possible to use this server with a proper signed certificate instead of a self-signed certficate. I am using cloudflare-dns. With some changes you can use this also for other methods. This is a tutorial and scripts to install letsencrypt, get a certificate an renew it. Use it on your own risk! ...

October 10, 2018 · 4 min · pixelchrome

macOS Time Machine Backups and SMB

Time Machine doesn’t work on Network Shares after the upgrade After I’ve updated my Mac Pro to macOS High Sierra, Time Machine Backups stopped working. Shared with SMB? The backups are on a Mac Mini and I’ve found out that it is necessary to share the folder via SMB. But that checkmark has already been set. Therefore I’ve tried to reconnect the Mac Pro to the Backup destination. OSStatus Error 17 And I’ve received Error ‘OSStatus Error 17’. I wasn’t able to find out a description what this means, but looks like that there is an authentication problem. ...

September 29, 2017 · 1 min · pixelchrome

High Load on macOS Server

I had a really high load on my Mac Mini Server. As it is a Late 2014 with only two CPU-Cores, everything hurts which makes the Server slow. Two processes consumed a lot of Memory and CPU-Time. apspd & cfprefsd With fs_usage I’ve found out that cfprefsd reads and writes all the time to /Library/Preferences/ApplePushServiceProvider/ And this file was more the 53 MByte! So it looked like apspd` is the reason for the issue. ...

May 10, 2017 · 2 min · pixelchrome

Mini PV Anlage mit volkszaehler und einem Raspberry Pi überwachen

Smart-Meter für eine mini Photovoltaik Anlage Vor längerer Zeit habe ich geschrieben das ich eine Mini Photovoltaik Anlage habe. Der Anbieter, der den Stromgewinn in ‘der Cloud’ ausgewertet hat, ist ja leider insolvent. Seitdem habe ich nur die Werte von dem Extra Stromzähler den ich bereits von Anfang an eingebaut hatte. Hier ist der Link zu dem Blogpost. Ich hatte ja schon angedeutet das ich die grafische Auswertung selbst in die Hand nehmen werde. Nun ja, nicht ganz selbst… ...

September 22, 2015 · 4 min · pixelchrome