Caddy Server Logo

What is Caddy?

From the website

Caddy is an alternative web server that is easy to configure and use.


A web server that serves you Other web servers were designed for the Web, but Caddy was designed for humans, with today’s Web in mind.

This wonderful piece of software is a perfect fit for my 6-Node Cluster of Raspberries!

Image Description

Here is an example:

Caddy is super easy to install and to configure. See this video how to setup caddy running HTTPS and get automatically a valid certificate from Let’s encrypt.

Back to my idea

But back to the basics and see how to create a docker service. I want to run caddy as a docker service. To install docker, please see my Quickstart-Installation guide.

What is a Docker service?

Frequently a service will be the image for a microservice within the context of some larger application.


To deploy an application image when Docker Engine is in swarm mode, you create a service.

Ok, docker needs to run in swarm mode… see the Quickstart Docker Swarm

Lets get started

We need a docker image

Based on abiosoft/caddy-docker I’ve created a dockerfile for the Raspberry Pi which can be found on GitHub and Dockerhub

Create a docker service

$ docker service create --name caddy-service --publish 2015:2015 --replicas 6 pixelchrome/caddy-arm


$ docker service ls
ID            NAME           MODE        REPLICAS  IMAGE
m4xs9p90h2jj  caddy-service  replicated  1/6       pixelchrome/caddy-arm:latest
$ docker service ps caddy-service
ID            NAME             IMAGE                         NODE  DESIRED STATE  CURRENT STATE               ERROR  PORTS
ej0njtn4dkl0  caddy-service.1  pixelchrome/caddy-arm:latest  pi3   Running        Running 2 minutes ago              
n33ikkyy9ygr  caddy-service.2  pixelchrome/caddy-arm:latest  pi6   Running        Running about a minute ago         
h0rwye2zbk2j  caddy-service.3  pixelchrome/caddy-arm:latest  pi5   Running        Running about a minute ago         
k4wal0jegcag  caddy-service.4  pixelchrome/caddy-arm:latest  pi2   Running        Running 2 minutes ago              
ie91uryxhxwq  caddy-service.5  pixelchrome/caddy-arm:latest  pi1   Running        Running 2 minutes ago              
s8bas4humy84  caddy-service.6  pixelchrome/caddy-arm:latest  pi4   Running        Running about a minute ago

On each Raspberry Pi is one instance of caddy running!

Image Description

Remove the service

$ docker service rm caddy-service
$ docker service ls


If you need more specific settings you can change the Caddyfile or you want to host more than just the default index.html file, please find some examples below. These files or directory have to be available on each node of the swarm!

Mount a specific “Document Root” (e.g. /var/www of the Raspian)

$ docker service create --name caddy-service --publish 2015:2015 --replicas 6 --mount type=bind,source=/var/www,target=/srv pixelchrome/caddy-arm

A specific Caddyfile

$ docker service create --name caddy-service --publish 2015:2015 --replicas 6 --mount type=bind,source=<PATH>/Caddyfile,target=/etc/Caddyfile pixelchrome/caddy-arm

A combination of both examples from above

$ docker service create --name caddy-service --publish 2015:2015 --replicas 6 --mount type=bind,source=/home/pi/example/Caddyfile,target=/etc/Caddyfile --mount type=bind,source=/var/www,target=/srv pixelchrome/caddy-arm

Next article

Caddy runs now independently on each node of the swarm. It is time to put a load balancer in front of it. Stay tuned…