July 9, 2018

Docker on macOS - Fatal Error

Fatal Error

My Docker on macOS doesn’t start anymore. It shows the following

At the very last line, you can see the following Error Message: no space left on device

Disk full?

Of course there is enough space on my local drive available, but the Docker disk image see FAQ is full.

The disk image is located here ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/Docker.qcow2

With the qcow-tool you can check it:

$ /Applications/Docker.app/Contents/MacOS/qcow-tool info Docker.qcow2
((version Three) (backing_file_offset 0) (backing_file_size 0)
 (cluster_bits 16) (size 68719476736) (crypt_method None) (l1_size 128)
 (l1_table_offset ((bytes 131072) (is_mutable false) (is_compressed false)))
  ((bytes 65536) (is_mutable false) (is_compressed false)))
 (refcount_table_clusters 1) (nb_snapshots 0) (snapshots_offset 0)
  (((dirty true) (corrupt false) (lazy_refcounts true) (autoclear_features 0)
    (refcount_order 4))))
    (((ty Incompatible) (bit 0) (feature Dirty))
     ((ty Incompatible) (bit 1) (feature Corrupt))
     ((ty Compatible) (bit 0) (feature Lazy_refcounts)))))))

Okay, looks good so far! Now how can I resize it?

I wasn’t able to get it done with qcow-tool resize.

Therefore I tried the GUI

This helped only partially.

$ /Applications/Docker.app/Contents/MacOS/qcow-tool info Docker.qcow2
((version Three) (backing_file_offset 0) (backing_file_size 0)
 (cluster_bits 16) (size 79999008768) (crypt_method None) (l1_size 150)
 (l1_table_offset ((bytes 131072) (is_mutable false) (is_compressed false)))
  ((bytes 65536) (is_mutable false) (is_compressed false)))
 (refcount_table_clusters 1) (nb_snapshots 0) (snapshots_offset 0)
  (((dirty true) (corrupt false) (lazy_refcounts true) (autoclear_features 0)
    (refcount_order 4))))
    (((ty Incompatible) (bit 0) (feature Dirty))
     ((ty Incompatible) (bit 1) (feature Corrupt))
     ((ty Compatible) (bit 0) (feature Lazy_refcounts)))))))

The size changed from 68719476736 to 79999008768, but the error is still the same. Only the image size was changed, not the filesystem inside the image!

Resize the Filesystem

  1. Install QEMU brew install qemu
  2. Check the size `qemu-img info Docker.qcow2
  3. Download gparted-livecd http://gparted.org/download.php
  4. Start gparted $ qemu-system-x86_64 -drive file=Docker.qcow2 -m 512 -cdrom ~/Downloads/gparted-live-0.31.0-1-i686.iso -boot d -device usb-mouse -usb


GParted bootedGParted booted

Unallocated DiskspaceSee the unallocated diskspace. Choose ‘Resize/Move’

Resize the FilesystemResize the FS




Maybe I need cleanup docker more often :-D I have several unused Images and lots of volumes.

$ docker system prune -a --volumes
WARNING! This will remove:
        - all stopped containers
        - all networks not used by at least one container
        - all volumes not used by at least one container
        - all images without at least one container associated to them
        - all build cache
Are you sure you want to continue? [y/N] y
Deleted Containers:

Deleted Volumes:

Deleted Images:
untagged: abiosoft/caddy:latest
untagged: abiosoft/caddy@sha256:bd2c4e17cf20f749f4ce1eb739cfb8a8f44e6d3740c1b16c573abb41b67f377e
deleted: sha256:52870bf7599892ef3ec5e275b559683ea3ad67e94c4ee03f8ed4f38f46957374
deleted: sha256:570f6d14f4c97d59e36b9fa7afd8fb028258236b9d851a7d20e91d1a476762ad

Total reclaimed space: 2.426GB

This should also help. But I was not able to get run properly on macOS (see also here)


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